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We are working hard to support one-click installation on multiple platforms...

Even so, the installation methods are very simple.

PS: All methods below use Linux as an example, even though they can also be used on other devices.

Cargo Install Binary Installation

If your execution device has Cargo and a compilation environment, installing in this way is the simplest and most reliable way to ensure availability.

> cargo install rsbench

After successful installation, execute the rsbench command to check if the RSBench Ascii-art is output to verify successful installation.

> rsbench
  _____   _____ ____                  _
 |  __ \ / ____|  _ \                | |
 | |__) | (___ | |_) | ___ _ __   ___| |__
 |  _  / \___ \|  _ < / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \
 | | \ \ ____) | |_) |  __/ | | | (__| | | |
 |_|  \_\_____/|____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|


Binary Installation

This installation method is also very simple. First, go to the Release page of this project and find the Binary that matches the operating system/architecture of your execution device (i.e., the file without any suffix). Copy its link.

Then, use various methods to download/upload the Binary to the execution device (here using Wget CLI download as an example):

> wget -O rsbench # Be sure to replace the download link

Then, add execute permissions to it:

> chmod +x rsbench

If you have privileges on the device and want to add it to the PATH environment variable, you can move it to /usr/bin/rsbench: (optional)

> mv ./rsbench /usr/bin/rsbench # Be sure you have device privileges

Then execute the ./rsbench command to check if the RSBench Ascii-art is output to verify successful installation.

PS: If you have already placed it in /usr/bin/, you do not need to include the local path; just run rsbench.

> ./rsbench
  _____   _____ ____                  _
 |  __ \ / ____|  _ \                | |
 | |__) | (___ | |_) | ___ _ __   ___| |__
 |  _  / \___ \|  _ < / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \
 | | \ \ ____) | |_) |  __/ | | | (__| | | |
 |_|  \_\_____/|____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|


Debian Series Distribution Deb Package Installation

This method is only applicable to Debian-based Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu and its various derivatives, and requires system privileges.

Please go to the Release page of this project and find the Deb package that matches the operating system/architecture of your execution device (files with the .deb suffix).

Then, use various methods to download/upload the Binary to the execution device (here using Wget CLI download as an example):

> wget -O rsbench # Be sure to replace the download link

Next, install this Deb package with a system privileged user:

> dpkg -i ./rsbench_xxx.deb

After successful installation, execute the rsbench command to check if the RSBench Ascii-art is output to verify successful installation.

> rsbench
  _____   _____ ____                  _
 |  __ \ / ____|  _ \                | |
 | |__) | (___ | |_) | ___ _ __   ___| |__
 |  _  / \___ \|  _ < / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \
 | | \ \ ____) | |_) |  __/ | | | (__| | | |
 |_|  \_\_____/|____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|


MacOS Installation

This method is only applicable to MacOS systems.

Please go to the Release page of this project and find the Binary that matches the architecture of your execution device (i.e., the file without any suffix).

The naming format is rsbench-macos-[amd64 | arm64]. Execute it after downloading.

After successful installation, execute the ./rsbench command to check if the RSBench Ascii-art is output to verify successful installation.

> ./rsbench
  _____   _____ ____                  _
 |  __ \ / ____|  _ \                | |
 | |__) | (___ | |_) | ___ _ __   ___| |__
 |  _  / \___ \|  _ < / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \
 | | \ \ ____) | |_) |  __/ | | | (__| | | |
 |_|  \_\_____/|____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|
